Source code for siegpy.analyticbasisset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
The :class:`AnalyticBasisSet` class and its methods are defined hereafter.
# TODO: Add a create_exact_basis_set method (for AnalyticBasisSet)?

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import wofz
from siegpy import BasisSet, BasisSetError
from siegpy.utils import init_plot, finalize_plot
from siegpy.basisset import _set_mat_time, _set_mat_space

__all__ = ["AnalyticBasisSet"]

[docs]class AnalyticBasisSet(BasisSet, metaclass=ABCMeta): r""" This should be the base class for the specific basis set classes of any analytic cases available in SiegPy. Its methods allow to compute most the main quantities and forces the child classes to implement the other ones. For instance, any relevant Siegert state expansion (such as the Mittag-Leffler Expansion (MLE), which uses all Siegert states with a weight 1/2, or the Berggren expansion, which uses only bound and resonant states with a weight 1) of the quantities of interest (such as the completeness relation (CR), zero operator, strength function, strength function and time-propagation must therefore be defined here, as they should be valid for any analytical case. On the other hand, all the methods used to define the analytical eigenstates must be implemented by the child classes. """ def __init__(self, states=None): r""" An AnalyticBasisSet instance is initialized from a list of :class:`~siegpy.analyticeigenstates.AnalyticEigenstate` instances. Parameters ---------- states: list Analytic eigenstates of a Hamiltonian. If ``None``, it means that the BasisSet instance is empty. Raises ------ ValueError If any state comes from a different potential than the others. """ # Sort the list of states new_states = [] if states: # Check that all states come from the same potential pot = states[0].potential if any([s.potential != pot for s in states]): raise ValueError( "All the eigenstates must come from the same potential" ) # Loop over each type of states for S_type in self.STATES_TYPES: # Sort each type of state by increasing real energy tmp = [s for s in states if s.Siegert_type == S_type] tmp.sort(key=lambda x: # Update the list of states new_states += tmp super().__init__(states=new_states)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, filename, grid=None, analytic=True, nres=None, kmax=None, bounds_only=False ): r""" Read a basis set from a binary file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of a file containing a basis set. grid: numpy array or list or set Discretization grid of the wavefunctions of the Siegert states (optional). analytic: bool If ``True``, the scalar products will be computed analytically. nres: int Number of resonant couples in the Siegert basis set created (optional). kmax: float Value of the maximal continuum wavenumber in the returned basis set, also containing the bound states, if there were any in the file (optional). bounds_only: bool If ``True``, the basis set returned contains only bound states. Returns ------- AnalyticBasisSet The basis set read from the file. Examples All the examples given below are given for the SWP analytical case, but could be easily adapted for any other analytical cases. A basis set is read from a file in the following manner: >>> from siegpy import SWPBasisSet >>> filename = "doc/notebooks/siegerts.dat" >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename) It contains a certain number of states, with a given discretization grid (here, the grid is ``None``) and analyticity: >>> len(bs) 566 >>> bs.grid >>> assert bs.analytic == True It is possible to update the grid (and the values of the eigenstates at the same time) in the 1D SW potential case: >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, grid=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> bs.grid array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> print(bs[0].values) [ 0.18053285+0.j 0.51185847+0.j 0.63921710-0.j 0.51185847-0.j 0.18053285-0.j] The analyticity of the states can also be updated: >>> bs = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, analytic=False) >>> assert bs.analytic == False If required, only the bound states are read: >>> bounds = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, bounds_only=True) >>> assert len(bounds) == len(bs.bounds) The number of resonant and antiresonant states can also be chosen: >>> siegerts = SWPBasisSet.from_file(filename, nres=5) >>> assert len(siegerts.bounds) == len(bs.bounds) >>> assert len(siegerts.antibounds) == len(bs.antibounds) >>> assert len(siegerts.resonants) == 5 >>> assert len(siegerts.antiresonants) == 5 If the basis set contains continuum states, it is also possible to keep only the states whose wavenumber is smaller than kmax (in addition to the bound states). """ # Read the basis set from the file basis = super().from_file(filename) # Keep only the required states if bounds_only: basis = basis.bounds elif nres is not None: basis = ( basis.bounds + basis.antibounds + basis.resonants[:nres] + basis.antiresonants[:nres] ) elif kmax is not None: cont = [c for c in basis.continuum if c.wavenumber <= kmax] basis = basis.bounds + cont # Update the analyticity and the grid of each state in the # basis set before returning it basis.analytic = analytic basis.grid = grid return basis
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def find_Siegert_states(cls): # pragma: no cover r""" .. note:: This is an asbtract class method. Initialize a basis made of Siegert states found analytically. Returns ------- AnalyticBasisSet A basis set made of :class:`~siegpy.analyticeigenstates.AnalyticSiegert` instances. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def find_continuum_states(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover r""" .. note:: This is an asbtract class method. Initialize a basis made of continuum states found analytically. Returns ------- AnalyticBasisSet A basis set made of :class:`~siegpy.analyticeigenstates.AnalyticContinuum` instances. """ pass
@property def grid(self): r""" Returns ------- numpy array or None Value of the discretization grid of all the states in the basis set. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one state has a different grid than the others or if the basis set is empty. Examples In the following example, the states have no grid: >>> from siegpy import SWPBasisSet >>> siegerts = SWPBasisSet.from_file("doc/notebooks/siegerts.dat") >>> siegerts.grid is None True You can also use the :attr:`~siegpy.analyticbasisset.AnalyticBasisSet.grid` attribute to update the grid (and therefore all the values of the wavefunctions) of the states in the analytic basis set at the same time: >>> xgrid = [-1, 0, 1] >>> siegerts.grid = xgrid >>> siegerts[-1].grid array([-1, 0, 1]) """ if self.is_not_empty: xgrid = self[0].grid if xgrid is None: if any([state.grid is not None for state in self]): raise ValueError("Some states have a different value for 'grid'") else: return None else: if any([state.grid is None for state in self]) or any( [not np.allclose(state.grid, xgrid) for state in self] ): raise ValueError("Some states have a different value for 'grid'") else: return xgrid else: raise ValueError("Empy basis set, it has no 'grid' attribute") @grid.setter def grid(self, new_grid): r""" Setter for the :attr:`grid` attribute. Parameters ---------- new_grid: list or numpy array New grid to apply to all the states. """ for state in self: state.grid = new_grid @property def analytic(self): r""" Returns ------- bool Value of the :attr:`analytic` attribute of all the states in the basis set. Raises ------ ValueError If some states have different value for :attr:`analytic` or if the basis set is empty. Examples In the following example, all the states require analytic scalar products: >>> from siegpy import SWPBasisSet >>> siegerts = SWPBasisSet.from_file("doc/notebooks/siegerts.dat") >>> siegerts.analytic True You can also use the :attr:`~siegpy.analyticbasisset.AnalyticBasisSet.analytic` attribute to update the values for all the states in the basis set at the same time: >>> siegerts.analytic = False >>> all([state.analytic == False for state in siegerts]) True """ if self.is_not_empty: analytic = self[0].analytic if all([state.analytic == analytic for state in self]): return analytic else: raise ValueError("Some states have a different value for 'analytic'") else: raise ValueError("Empy basis set, it has no 'analytic' attribute") @analytic.setter def analytic(self, value): r""" Setter for the :attr:`analytic` attribute. Parameters ---------- value: bool New value to apply to all the states. """ for state in self: state.analytic = value @property def potential(self): r""" Returns ------- Potential Potential of all the states in the basis set. Raises ------ ValueError If some states come from a different potential or if the basis set is empty. Example >>> from siegpy import SWPBasisSet >>> siegerts = SWPBasisSet.from_file("doc/notebooks/siegerts.dat") >>> siegerts.potential 1D Square-Well Potential of width 4.44 and depth 10.00 """ if self.is_not_empty: pot = self[0].potential if all([state.potential == pot for state in self]): return pot else: raise ValueError("Some states come from a different potential") else: raise ValueError("Empy basis set, it has no 'potential' attribute")
[docs] def plot_wavefunctions( self, nres=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the bound, resonant and anti-resonant wavefunctions of the basis set along with the potential. The continuum and anti-bound states, if any are present in the basis set, are not plotted. The wavefunctions are translated along the y-axis by their energy (for bound states) or absolute value of their energy (for resonant and anti-resonant states). Parameters ---------- nres: int Number of resonant and antiresonant wavefunctions to plot. xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional) ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional) title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional) Raises ------ ValueError If the minimum of the potential cannot be found. """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Set useful variables potential = self.potential bnds = self.bounds res = self.resonants ares = self.antiresonants # Plot only part of the resonances, if asked by the user if nres is not None: res = res[:nres] ares = ares[:nres] siegerts_to_plot = bnds + res + ares # List of Siegert states # Loop over the Siegert states for i, wf in enumerate(siegerts_to_plot): # Define the value of its energy given its type if wf.Siegert_type in ("r", "ar"): energy = abs( elif wf.Siegert_type in ("b", "ab"): energy = -abs( # Define the labels label_re, label_im, label_en = None, None, None if i == 0: label_re, label_im, label_en = "Re[WF]", "Im[WF]", "Energy" # Add the wf (real and imaginary parts) in the plot ax.plot(wf.grid, np.real(wf.values) + energy, "b", label=label_re) ax.plot(wf.grid, np.imag(wf.values) + energy, "r", label=label_im) # Also plot the value of its ("translation") energy. ax.plot(wf.grid, np.array([energy] * len(wf.grid)), "k--", label=label_en) # Plot the potential as well ax.plot(potential.grid, np.real(potential.values), "k-", label="Re[Potential]") ax.plot( potential.grid, np.imag(potential.values), c="k", ls="dotted", ms=1, label="Im[Potential]", ) # Finalize the plot # Set the range of the plot on the y-axis (ylim) if ylim is None: # Define the minimum of the y-axis: if hasattr(potential, "values"): ymin = 1.1 * np.min(potential.values).real else: raise ValueError("Cannot find the minimum of the potential") # Define the maximum of the y-axis if nres == 0: ymax = abs(ymin) / 10 else: ymax = abs(res[-1].energy) + 2 ylim = (ymin, ymax) finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title, file_save=file_save, xlabel="$x$", ylabel="Energy", leg_loc=6, leg_bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), )
[docs] def plot_wavenumbers( self, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the wavenumbers of the Siegert states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ _complex_plane_plot(self.states, "wavenumber", xlim, ylim, title, file_save)
[docs] def plot_energies( self, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the energies of the Siegert states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ _complex_plane_plot(self.states, "energy", xlim, ylim, title, file_save)
[docs] def MLE_contributions_to_CR(self, test): r""" Evaluate the contribution of each state of the basis set to the completeness relation, according to the Mittag-Leffler Expansion. Each element of the array is defined by: .. math:: \frac{ \left\langle test | \varphi_S \right) \left( \varphi_S | test \right\rangle } {2 \left\langle test | test \right\rangle} where :math:`\varphi_S` is a Siegert state of the basis set. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function Returns ------- numpy array Contribution of each state of the basis set to the completeness relation acording to the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the completeness relation. """ # Check if the test function needs to be explicitely # conjugated: # TODO: add the case of a complex test function if not analytic # scalar products try: conjugate_test = test.momentum != 0 except AttributeError: conjugate_test = False # Contribution of each Siegert state to the MLE of the CR siegerts = self.siegerts scal_prods = siegerts.scal_prod(test) if conjugate_test: scal_prods_l = siegerts.scal_prod(test.conjugate()) MLE_contribs = scal_prods * scal_prods_l else: MLE_contribs = scal_prods ** 2 return np.array(MLE_contribs / (2 * test.norm()))
[docs] def MLE_contributions_to_zero_operator(self, test): r""" Evaluate the contribution of each state of the basis set to the zero operator, according to the Mittag-Leffler Expansion. Each element of the returned array is defined by: .. math:: \frac{ \left\langle test | \varphi_S \right) \left( \varphi_S | test \right\rangle } {2 k_S \left\langle test | test \right\rangle} where :math:`k_s` is the wavenumber of the Siegert state :math:`\varphi_S` Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. Returns ------- numpy array Contribution of each state of the basis set to the zero operator acording to the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the zero operator. """ # One just needs to compute the contributions of each state to # the MLE of the CR and then divide each contribution by the # wavenumber of the corresponding state. # Thanks to numpy, this can be done in one line. return self.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) / self.wavenumbers
[docs] def MLE_completeness(self, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the value of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the completeness relation using all Siegert states in the basis set for a given test function. Returns the result of the following sum over all Siegert states :math:`varphi_S`: .. math:: \sum_S \frac{ \left\langle test | \varphi_S \right) \left( \varphi_S | test \right\rangle } {2 \left\langle test | test \right\rangle} Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use (optional). Returns ------- float Evaluation of the completeness of the basis set using the Mittag-Leffler Expansion. """ return _MLE(self.siegerts, "CR", test, nres=nres)
[docs] def MLE_zero_operator(self, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the value of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the zero operator using all Siegert states in the basis set for a given test function. Returns the result of the following sum over all Siegert states: .. math:: \sum_S \frac{ \left\langle test | \varphi_S \right) \left( \varphi_S | test \right\rangle } { 2 k_S \left\langle test | test \right\rangle } where :math:`k_s` is the wavenumber of the Siegert state :math:`\varphi_S` Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use (optional). Returns ------- float Evaluation of the zero operator of the basis set using the Mittag-Leffler Expansion. """ return _MLE(self.siegerts, "Zero", test, nres=nres)
[docs] def exact_completeness(self, test, hk=None, kmax=None): r""" Evaluate the exact completeness relation using the bound states of the basis set and the continuum states defined by either `hk` and `kmax` (respectively the grid-step and maximum wavenumber of the grid of continuum states) or all the continuum states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). kmax: float Maximal wavenumber of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis set (optional). Returns ------- float Value of the exact completeness relation, using bound and continuum states. """ # Bound states contribution to the exact CR bnds = self.bounds bnds_contrib = 2 * bnds.MLE_completeness(test) # Continuum states contribution to the CR: this is computed # through an integration of the sum of even and odd continuum # states contributions for each wavenumber of the grid. kgrid, integrand = self.continuum_contributions_to_CR(test, hk=hk, kmax=kmax) if hk is None: hk = kgrid[1] - kgrid[0] cont_contribs = np.trapz(integrand, dx=hk) return bnds_contrib + cont_contribs
[docs] @abstractmethod def continuum_contributions_to_CR( self, test, hk=None, kmax=None ): # pragma: no cover # noqa r""" .. note:: This is an asbtract class method. Evaluate the continuum contributions to the completeness relation. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). kmax: float Maximal wavenumber of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis set (optional). Returns ------- numpy array Contribution of each continuum state of the basis set to the exact completeness relation. r""" pass
[docs] def MLE_completeness_convergence(self, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the completeness relation for the basis set, given a test function. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use (default: use all of them). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) Two arrays of the same length. The first one is made of the absolute value of the resonant wavenumbers, while the second one is made of the values of the convergence of the MLE of the completeness relation. """ return _MLE_convergence(self.siegerts, "CR", test, nres=nres)
[docs] def Berggren_completeness_convergence(self, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the CR using the Berggren expansion. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of resonant states to use (default: use all of them). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) Two arrays of the same length. The first one is made of the absolute value of the resonant wavenumbers, while the second one is made of the values of the convergence of the Berggren expansion of the completeness relation. """ # Keep only the required number of resonant states res = self.resonants if nres is not None: res._states = res._states[:nres] # Find the bound and resonant states contributions to the CR bnds_contrib = 2 * self.bounds.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) res_contrib = 2 * res.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) # Create the output values as usual kgrid = np.insert(np.abs(res.wavenumbers), 0, 0) CR_conv = np.sum(bnds_contrib) + np.insert(np.cumsum(res_contrib), 0, 0) return kgrid, CR_conv
[docs] def MLE_zero_operator_convergence(self, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the zero operator for the basis set, given a test function. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use (default: use all of them). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) Two arrays of the same length. The first one is made of the absolute value of the resonant wavenumbers, while the second one is made of the values of the convergence of the MLE of the zero operator. """ return _MLE_convergence(self.siegerts, "Zero", test, nres=nres)
[docs] def exact_completeness_convergence(self, test, hk=None, kmax=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the exact completeness relation (using the continuum and bound states of the basis set) for a given test function. A set of continuum states is defined on-the-fly if the values of both ``hk`` and ``kmax`` are not ``None`` (otherwise, the continuum states of the basis set, if any, are used). Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). kmax: float Maximal wavenumber of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis set (optional). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) Two arrays of the same length. The first one is made of the continuum wavenumbers, while the second is made of the values of the convergence of the exact completeness relation. """ # Bound states contribution to the exact CR bnds = self.bounds bnds_contrib = 2 * bnds.MLE_completeness(test) # Convergence of the continuum contribution to the CR kgrid, cont_contribs = self.continuum_contributions_to_CR( test, hk=hk, kmax=kmax ) if hk is None: hk = kgrid[1] - kgrid[0] conv_cont_contribs = hk * (np.cumsum(cont_contribs) - cont_contribs / 2.0) # Sum both bound and continuum states contributions to the exact CR conv_CR = np.real(conv_cont_contribs + bnds_contrib) # Return the convergence of the completeness relation return kgrid, conv_CR
[docs] def plot_completeness_convergence( self, test, hk=None, kmax=None, nres=None, exact=True, MLE=True, title=None, file_save=None, ): # pragma: no cover # noqa r""" Plot the convergence of both the Mittag-Leffler Expansion and the exact completeness relation for a given test function. The exact convergence is computed on-the-fly (*i.e.* without the need to have continuum states in the basis set): * if ``hk`` and ``kmax`` are not ``None``, * if ``exact`` and ``MLE`` are set to ``True`` and if the basis set does not contain enough continuum states to reach the absolute value of the last resonant wavenumber used (``kmax`` is therefore defined by the wavenumber of the last resonant state used in the MLE of the CR, and ``hk`` is set to a default value) Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). kmax: float Maximal wavenumber of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis set (optional). nres: int Number of resonant couples contributions to be plotted (optional). exact: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the exact strength function. MLE: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the strength function. title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Plot the expected value of 1 ax.axhline(1, color="black", lw=1.5) # Set some initial values if MLE: # Evaluate the convergence of the MLE of the CR abs_kres, MLE_CR = self.MLE_completeness_convergence(test, nres=nres) # Define if the parameters for the on-the-fly creation of # the continuum states have to be initialized if exact: # OTF is a Boolean stating if the continuum has to be # defined on-the-fly, given the input parameters OTF = (hk is not None) and (kmax is not None) if not OTF and ( self.continuum.is_empty or self.continuum[-1].wavenumber < abs_kres[-1] ): if kmax is None: kmax = abs_kres[-1] if hk is None: hk = 0.1 if exact: # Evaluate and plot the convergence of the exact CR kgrid, exact_CR = self.exact_completeness_convergence( test, hk=hk, kmax=kmax ) ax.plot(kgrid, exact_CR, color="#d73027", label="Exact") # Plot the convergence of the MLE of the CR above the # convergence of the exact CR if MLE: ax.plot( abs_kres, np.real(MLE_CR), color="#4575b4", label="MLE", ls="", marker=".", ms=10, ) # Finalize the plot ax.legend() if MLE and not exact: ylabel = "$CR_{MLE}$" else: ylabel = "$CR$" finalize_plot( fig, ax, title=title, file_save=file_save, xlabel="$k$", ylabel=ylabel )
[docs] def MLE_strength_function(self, test, kgrid): r""" Evaluate the Mittag-Leffler expansion of the strength function for a given test function. The test function is discretized on a grid of wavenumbers ``kgrid``. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. Returns ------- numpy array MLE of the strength function evaluated over the wavenumber grid ``kgrid``. """ # Initialize stren_func stren_func = np.zeros_like(kgrid) # Loop over the siegert states to update the MLE of the RF for state in self.siegerts: stren_func += state.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) return stren_func
[docs] def exact_strength_function(self, test, kgrid, eta=None): r""" Evaluate the exact strength function over a given wavenumber grid ``kgrid`` for a given a test function. ``eta`` is an infinitesimal used to make the integration over the continuum states possible (the poles along the real axis being avoided). Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. eta: float Infinitesimal for integration (if ``None``, default to 10 times the value of the grid-step of the continuum basis set). Returns ------- numpy array Exact strength function evaluated on the grid of wavenumbers ``kgrid``. """ # Applying the method continuum_contributions_to_CR gives: # sum_p |<test|varphi_p>|**2 / <test|test> # for each continuum wavenumber. We actually want: # sum_p |<test|varphi_p>|**2 # so we need to multiply by the norm <test|test>. qgrid, cont_values = self.continuum_contributions_to_CR(test) cont_values *= test.norm() # Grid-step for integration h_q = qgrid[1] - qgrid[0] # Define the value of eta if eta is None: eta = 10 * h_q # Integrand for each k in kgrid (the imaginary part is already # taken into account, and eta is a parameter used to avoid # poles during the integration over the real wavenumber axis). integrands = [ eta * cont_values / ((qgrid ** 2 / 2.0 - k ** 2 / 2.0) ** 2 + eta ** 2) for k in kgrid ] # strength function (after integration of each integrand) stren_func = np.array([np.trapz(rf, dx=h_q) for rf in integrands]) stren_func /= np.pi return stren_func
[docs] def exact_strength_function_OTF( self, test, kgrid, hk=10 ** (-4), eta=None, tol=10 ** (-4) ): r""" Evaluate the exact strength function "on-the-fly" over a given wavenumber grid ``kgrid`` for a given a test function. It is not necessary to have continuum states in the basis set to compute the exact strength function, because they can be computed "on-the-fly" (hence OTF). This even leads to a quicker evaluation of the strength function because the integral, to be compute for each point of ``kgrid``, actually has an integrand that peaks around each particular value of ``kgrid`` and quickly vanishes around its maximum. Such a minimal approximated integrand is constructed by using only the continuum states aroud the point of the ``kgrid`` considered, given the tolerance parameter tol. It allows to reach smaller values of ``hk`` and ``eta``, and therefore more precise results, in a shorter amount of time. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). eta: float Infinitesimal for integration (if ``None``, default to 10 times the value of the grid-step of the continuum basis set). tol: float Tolerance value to truncate the integrand function (ratio of the value of a possible new point of the integrand to the maximal value of the integrand). Returns ------- numpy array Approximate exact strength function evaluated on the grid of wavenumbers ``kgrid``. """ # Set initial variables stren_func = [] if eta is None: eta = 10 * hk pot = self.potential # Loop over points in kgrid for k in kgrid: # Build the integrand: # - initialize integrand_m = [] integrand_p = [] first = self._evaluate_integrand(k, k, test, eta, pot) q_m = k q_p = k new_int_m = first new_int_p = first # - find new terms while necessary while new_int_m / first > tol and q_m > 0.0: q_m = q_m - hk new_int_m = self._evaluate_integrand(q_m, k, test, eta, pot) integrand_m.insert(0, new_int_m) while new_int_p / first > tol: q_p = q_p + hk new_int_p = self._evaluate_integrand(q_p, k, test, eta, pot) integrand_p.append(new_int_p) # - assemble the whole integrand function integrand = integrand_m + [first] + integrand_p # Do the integral, and append the result to stren_func stren_func.append(np.trapz(integrand, dx=hk)) # Return the correctly normalized strength function as an array stren_func = np.array(stren_func) / np.pi return stren_func
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _evaluate_integrand(q, k, test, eta, potential): # pragma: no cover r""" .. note:: This is an asbtract class method. Evaluate the integrand used to compute the strength function "on-the-fly". It must be implemented in the child class. Parameters ---------- q: float Wavenumber of the continuum state considered. k: float Wavenumber for which the strength function is evaluated. test: Function Test function. eta: float Infinitesimal for integration (if ``None``, default to 10 times the value of the grid-step of the continuum basis set). potential: Potential Potential of the currently studied analytical case. """ pass
[docs] def plot_strength_function( self, test, kgrid, nres=None, exact=True, MLE=True, bnds_abnds=False, title=None, file_save=None, ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the convergence of both the Mittag-Leffler Expansion and the exact strength function for a given test function. The exact convergence is computed on-the-fly (without the need to have continuum states in the BasisSet self). Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. nres: int Number of resonant couples contributions to be plotted (default to None, meaning that none are plotted; if ``nres=0``, then only the sum of the bound and anti-bound states contributions is plotted). exact: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the exact strength function. MLE: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the strength function. bnds_abnds: bool If ``True``, allows to plot the individual contributions of the bound and anti-bound states. title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # set initial values if exact: # Evaluate and plot the convergence of the exact strength # function, continuum states being computed on-the-fly. exact_SF = self.exact_strength_function_OTF(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, exact_SF, color="#d73027", lw=4, label="Exact") if MLE: # Evaluate and plot the MLE of the SF MLE_SF = self.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, MLE_SF, color="#000000", ls="--", label="MLE") if nres is not None: # Plot the contribution of the bound and anti-bound states # to the strength function basis = self.bounds + self.antibounds if basis.is_not_empty: sf = basis.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, sf, color="#b2182b", lw=1.5, label="b+ab") # Plot the contribution of the nres first resonance couples # to the strength function res = self.resonants[:nres] ares = self.antiresonants[:nres] for i in range(nres): sf = res[i].MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) + ares[ i ].MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) label = "$N_{res} = $" + "{}".format(i + 1) ax.plot(kgrid, sf, lw=1.5, label=label) # Plot the contribution of each bound and antibound # states to the MLE of the strength function. if bnds_abnds: bnds = self.bounds for state in bnds: sf = state.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, sf, color="#FF0000") abnds = self.antibounds for state in abnds: sf = state.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, sf, color="#660000") # Finalize the plot if MLE or exact: # If resonant contributions, place the legends on the right if nres is not None and nres > 0: leg_loc, leg_bbox_to_anchor = 6, (1, 0.5) # Else, place the legends on the default location else: ax.legend() leg_loc, leg_bbox_to_anchor = None, None finalize_plot( fig, ax, title=title, file_save=file_save, leg_loc=leg_loc, leg_bbox_to_anchor=leg_bbox_to_anchor, xlabel="$k$", ylabel="$S(k)$", )
[docs] def exact_propagation(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the exact time-propagation of a wavepacket ``test`` over a given time grid (made of positive numbers only). Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Exact propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. """ # Evaluate separately the contribution of the continuum states # and of the bound states to the time propagation of the # wavepacket and finally sum them. cont_contrib = self.continuum._propagate(test, time_grid) bnds_contrib = self.bounds.Siegert_propagation( test, time_grid, weights={"b": 1.0} ) return cont_contrib + bnds_contrib
[docs] def exact_propagation_OTF(self, test, time_grid, kmax, hk): r""" Evaluate the exact time-propagation of a given test function for a given time grid after an on-the-fly creation of the continuum states given the values of ``kmax`` and ``hk``. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. hk: float Grid step for the wavenumbers of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis sets (optional). kmax: float Maximal wavenumber of the "on-the-fly" continuum basis set (optional). Returns ------- :returns: Exact propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. :rtype: 2D numpy array """ pot = self.potential xgrid = self.grid cont = self.__class__.find_continuum_states(pot, kmax, hk, grid=xgrid) exact = self.bounds + cont return exact.exact_propagation(test, time_grid)
[docs] def MLE_propagation(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the time-propagation of a test wavepacket over a given time grid. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array MLE of the propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. """ # The Mittag-Leffler expansions consists in using all Siegert # states with a 0.5 weight return self.Siegert_propagation( test, time_grid, weights={"b": 0.5, "ab": 0.5, "r": 0.5, "ar": 0.5} )
[docs] def Berggren_propagation(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the Berggren Expansion of the time-propagation of a test wavepacket over a given time grid. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Berggren expansion of the propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. """ # The Berggren expansion consists in using the bound and # resonant states only (with a weight 1). return self.Siegert_propagation(test, time_grid, weights={"b": 1.0, "r": 1.0})
[docs] def Siegert_propagation(self, test, time_grid, weights=None): r""" Evaluate a user-defined expansion over the Siegert states of the time-propagation of a test wavepacket over a given time grid. The user chooses the weight of each type of Siegert states of the basis set. If no weights are passed, then exact Siegert states expansion is performed. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. weights: dict Dictionary of the weights to use for the time-propagation. Keys correspond to a type of Siegert states ('ab' for anti-bounds, 'b' for bounds, 'r' for resonants and 'ar' for anti-resonants) and the corresponding value is the weight to use for all the states of the given type (optional). Returns ------- 2D numpy array Siegert states expansion of the propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. Raises ------ KeyError If an invalid key is found in ``weights``. """ # If a weight dictionary is given, then propagate accordingly, # without using the Faddeeva function if weights is not None: # Check that weights has valid keys for S_type in weights.keys(): if S_type not in self.SIEGERT_STATES_TYPES: raise KeyError( "Invalid key {} in the dictionary of " "weights. The keys must be a subset of " "('ab', 'b', 'r', 'ar').".format(S_type) ) # Create 0 values for the missing Siegert types for S_type in self.SIEGERT_STATES_TYPES: if S_type not in weights: weights[S_type] = 0.0 # Propagate the wavepacket according to the weights return self.siegerts._propagate(test, time_grid, weights=weights) # Else, if no weights are given, then perform the exact Siegert # expansion, using the Faddeeva function. else: return self.exact_Siegert_propagation(test, time_grid)
[docs] def exact_Siegert_propagation(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the exact Siegert propagation of the initial wavepacket test for the times of time_grid. In contrast with all other expansions for the propagation, the time-evolution of the Siegert states is not only due to an exponential, but also to state- and time-dependent weights (see eq. 69 of Santra et al., PRA 71 (2005)). There is no need to define any weight, since the correct weight is known analytically. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Exact Siegert expansion of the propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. Raises ------ BasisSetError If the basis set contains no Siegert states. """ # Check that the basis set is not empty. if self.siegerts.is_empty: raise BasisSetError("The basis set must contain Siegert states") # Make sure that time_grid is made of positive numbers # and that t=0 is part of the time_grid time_grid = np.array(time_grid) - min(time_grid) # Prepare the calculation by separating the states needing an # exponential term in the time propagation: # - states with exponential terms basis_1 = self.bounds + self.resonants # - states without exponential terms basis_2 = self.antibounds + self.antiresonants # Prepare the weights accordingly weights_1 = {"b": 1, "r": 1} weights_2 = {"ab": 1, "ar": 1} # Evaluate the contribution of the states with the exponential # terms in the time_propagation if basis_1.is_not_empty: mat_space_1 = _set_mat_space_S(basis_1, test, weights_1) mat_time_1 = _set_mat_time_S(basis_1, time_grid, with_exp=True) mat_prop = else: mat_prop = 0 # Evaluate the other contributions to the exact Siegert # propagation and add them to the first matrix if basis_2.is_not_empty: mat_space_2 = _set_mat_space_S(basis_2, test, weights_2) mat_time_2 = _set_mat_time_S(basis_2, time_grid, with_exp=False) mat_prop += # Return the exact return mat_prop
[docs] def _propagate(self, test, time_grid, weights=None): r""" Evaluate the time-propagation of a test wavepacket as the matrix product of two matrices: one to account for the time dependance of the propagation of the wavepacket (mat_time), the other for its space dependance (mat_space). The contribution of the continuum states to the time propagation of the wavepacket requires a numerical integration that is performed using the composite Simpson's rule. The contribution of the Siegert states to the time propagation of the wavepacket is computed through a discrete sum over all the Siegert states, with a user-defined weight for each type of Siegert states. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. weights: dict Dictionary of the weights to use for the time-propagation. Keys correspond to a type of Siegert states ('ab' for anti-bounds, 'b' for bounds, 'r' for resonants and 'ar' for anti-resonants) and the corresponding value is the weight to use for all the states of the given type (optional). Returns ------- 2D numpy array Propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. Raises ------ BasisSetError If the basis set does not contain Siegert nor continuum states. """ # Check that there are states to be used if (self.siegerts + self.continuum).is_empty: raise BasisSetError("The basis set must not be empty") # Make sure that time_grid is made of positive numbers # and that t=0 is part of the time_grid time_grid = np.array(time_grid) - min(time_grid) # Find the Siegert states contribution to the time propagation mat_prop_S = _propagate_over_Siegerts(self.siegerts, test, time_grid, weights) # Find the continuum states contribution to the time propagation mat_prop_c = _propagate_over_continuum(self.continuum, test, time_grid) # Add both contributions return mat_prop_S + mat_prop_c
# return prop #TODO: list of functions (with time as attribute?)
[docs] @abstractmethod def _add_one_continuum_state(self): # pragma: no cover r""" .. note:: This is an asbtract class method. Add a continuum state to the basis set, depending on the already existing continuum states. Returns ------- AnalyticBasisSet Instance of the child class with one more continuum state. """ pass
[docs] def plot_propagation( self, test, time_grid, exact=True, exact_Siegert=True, MLE=False, Berggren=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None, ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the time propagation of a wavepacket using either the exact expansion (using bound and continuum states), the exact Siegert states expansion, the Mittag-Leffler Expansion or the Berggren expansion over a given time grid. Any of these expansions can be turned on or off by setting the corresponding optional arguments (``exact``, ``exact_Siegert``, ``MLE`` and ``Berggren`` respectively) to ``True`` or ``False``. By default, both exact expansions are plotted. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. exact: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the exact time-propagation (using bound and continuum states). exact_Siegert: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the exact time-propagation (using all Siegert states). MLE: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the time-propagation. Berggren: bool If ``True``, allows the plot of the Berggren expansion of the time-propagation. xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Base name of the files where the plots are to be saved (optional). """ # Evaluate the various time-propagation expansions required if exact: # Evaluate and plot the convergence of the exact # time-propagation. if self.continuum.is_empty: # Create continuum states on-the-fly kmax = abs(self.resonants.wavenumbers[-1]) exact_tp = self.exact_propagation_OTF(test, time_grid, kmax, hk=0.05) else: exact_tp = self.exact_propagation(test, time_grid) else: exact_tp = None if exact_Siegert: # Evaluate and plot the convergence of the exact # Siegert time-propagation. exact_S_tp = self.exact_Siegert_propagation(test, time_grid) else: exact_S_tp = None if MLE: # Evaluate and plot the MLE of the time-propagation MLE_tp = self.MLE_propagation(test, time_grid) else: MLE_tp = None if Berggren: # Evaluate the Berggren expansion of the time-propagation Ber_tp = self.Berggren_propagation(test, time_grid) else: Ber_tp = None _generate_time_plots( self.grid, time_grid, exact_tp, exact_S_tp, MLE_tp, Ber_tp, xlim, ylim, title, file_save, )
def _complex_plane_plot( states, attr, xlim, ylim, title, file_save ): # pragma: no cover # noqa r""" Plot either the wavenumber or the energy of each Siegert state in the basis set. Parameters ---------- states: list States of the basis set to be plotted. attr: str Name of the eigenstate attribute to look for, defining the type of plot to be done. xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Add the real and imaginary axes ax.axhline(0, color="black", lw=1) # black line y=0 ax.axvline(0, color="black", lw=1) # black line x=0 # Get the data to be plotted thanks to the name of the attribute plot_data = {} for S_type in BasisSet.STATES_TYPES: plot_data[S_type] = [ getattr(state, attr) for state in states if state.Siegert_type == S_type ] # Plot the data for each type of states labels = { "ab": "Anti-bounds", "b": "Bounds", "r": "Resonants", "ar": "Anti-resonants", None: "Continuum", "U": "Unknown", } markers = {"ab": "s", "b": "o", "r": "d", "ar": "^", None: "o", "U": "x"} colors = { "ab": "#660000", "b": "#FF0000", "r": "#0000FF", "ar": "#000066", None: "k", "U": "k", } for S_type in BasisSet.STATES_TYPES: if plot_data[S_type] != []: ax.plot( np.real(plot_data[S_type]), np.imag(plot_data[S_type]), color=colors[S_type], marker=markers[S_type], linestyle="None", label=labels[S_type], ) # Set the base name of the x and y axis of the plot if attr == "wavenumber": data_label = "k" elif attr == "energy": data_label = "E" xlabel = "Re[${}$]".format(data_label) ylabel = "Im[${}$]".format(data_label) # Finalize the plot finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title, leg_loc=2, file_save=file_save, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, ) def _MLE(siegerts, operator, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of an operator over all the Siegert states in the basis set as a sum of the contribution of each state. Parameters ---------- siegerts: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of Siegert states only. operator: str Name of the operator. test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use. Returns ------- float Evaluation of the operator on the whole the basis set using the Mittag-Leffler Expansion. Raises ------ ValueError If the name of the operator is not 'CR' nor 'Zero'. """ # Keep the required siegert states if nres is not None: siegerts = ( siegerts.bounds + siegerts.antibounds + siegerts.resonants[:nres] + siegerts.antiresonants[:nres] ) # Define which MLE to obtain if operator == "CR": # Completeness relation contribs = siegerts.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) elif operator == "Zero": # Zero operator contribs = siegerts.MLE_contributions_to_zero_operator(test) else: raise ValueError("Unknown operator {}".format(operator)) # Return the cumulative sum of the values return np.sum(contribs) def _MLE_convergence(siegerts, operator, test, nres=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of an operator as a cumulative sum of the contributions of each resonant couple in the basis set. An initial value corresponding to the bound and anti-bound states contributions is added to all the resonant couples. It also corresponds to the first value of the second returned array. .. warning:: It returns a tuple made of two arrays: * the first one corresponds to the wavenumbers where the convergence is evaluated (with 0 as the first element), * the second one corresponds to the convergence of the operator (the first element corresponding to the bound and anti-bound states contributions). Parameters ---------- siegerts: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of Siegert states only. operator: str Name of the operator. test: Function Test function. nres: int Number of (anti-)resonant states to use (default: use all of them). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) Wavenumbers and convergence of the MLE of the operator on the whole the basis set. """ # The initial value is the sum of the contribution # of bound and anti-bound states. bnd_abnd = siegerts.bounds + siegerts.antibounds init = _MLE(bnd_abnd, operator, test) # Evaluate the cumulative sum of the contribution of each # resonant/anti-resonant couples contribution to the # completenes relation res = siegerts.resonants ares = siegerts.antiresonants if nres is not None: res._states = res._states[:nres] ares._states = ares._states[:nres] if operator == "CR": res_contribs = res.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) ares_contribs = ares.MLE_contributions_to_CR(test) elif operator == "Zero": res_contribs = res.MLE_contributions_to_zero_operator(test) ares_contribs = ares.MLE_contributions_to_zero_operator(test) cum_sum = np.cumsum(res_contribs + ares_contribs) # Add a zero at the beginning in order to get the bound and # anti-bound states contributions as the first element of the # completeness relation array. cum_sum = np.insert(cum_sum, 0, 0.0) # Create the completeness relation evolution list by adding the # initial value to all elements of cum_sum. conv = cum_sum + init # Get the absolute value of resonant wavenumbers. # They will be used as the abscissa of the plot. kgrid = np.insert(np.abs(res.wavenumbers), 0, 0) # Return the array of values to plot (grid of wavenumbers and # convergence of the MLE of the operator) return kgrid, conv def _continuum_contributions_to_CR(continuum, test): r""" Evaluate the contribution of each continuum state of the basis set to the exact completeness relation. Note that the length of the returned array is equal to len(continuum) + 1, in order to account for the 0 contribution of the continuum state at k=0. Each element of the array is defined by: :math:`\sum_{p=+/-} \frac{| \left\langle test | \varphi_p \right\rangle |^2} {\left\langle test | test \right\rangle}` where :math:`\varphi` is a wavefunction of the basis set. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. continuum: BasisSet Basis set of continuum states (optional). Returns ------- numpy array Contribution of each continuum state of the basis set to the exact completeness relation. Raises ------ BasisSetError If there are not enough continuum states. """ # 1- Check that there are enough continuum states available if len(continuum) <= 1: raise BasisSetError("There are not enough continuum states in the basis set.") # 2- Contribution of each continuum states cont_contribs = np.abs(continuum.scal_prod(test)) ** 2 cont_contribs = np.insert(cont_contribs, 0, 0.0) / test.norm() # 3- Get the grid of corresponding wavenumbers kgrid = [0.0] + continuum.wavenumbers return np.array(kgrid), cont_contribs def _propagate_over_continuum(continuum, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the continuum states contributions to the time propagation of ``test`` for all the times in ``time_grid``. Parameters ---------- continuum: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of continuum states only. test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Continuum states contributions to the time propagation of ``test`` for all the times in ``time_grid``. """ # If there are no continuum states, then they have no # contribution to the time propagation if continuum.is_empty: mat_prop = 0 # Else, make sure that there are an odd number of continuum # states and compute their contribution to the time propagation else: if len(continuum) % 2 == 0: continuum = continuum._add_one_continuum_state() mat_space = _set_mat_space_c(continuum, test) mat_time = _set_mat_time(continuum, time_grid) mat_prop = return mat_prop def _propagate_over_Siegerts(siegerts, test, time_grid, weights): r""" Evaluate the Siegert states contributions to the time propagation of ``test`` for all the times in ``time_grid``. Parameters ---------- siegerts: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of Siegert states only. test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. weights: dict Dictionary of the weights to use for the time-propagation. Keys correspond to a type of Siegert states ('ab' for anti-bounds, 'b' for bounds, 'r' for resonants and 'ar' for anti-resonants) and the corresponding value is the weight to use for all the states of the given type (optional). Returns ------- 2D numpy array Siegert states contributions to the time propagation of ``test`` for all the times in ``time_grid``. Raises ------ ValueError If no weights are passed. """ # If there are no Siegert states, then they have no contribution # to the time propagation if siegerts.is_empty: mat_prop = 0 # Else, compute their contribution to the time propagation else: if weights is None: raise ValueError("A dictionary of weights must be provided.") mat_space = _set_mat_space_S(siegerts, test, weights) mat_time = _set_mat_time(siegerts, time_grid) mat_prop = return mat_prop def _set_mat_time_S(siegerts, time_grid, with_exp=True): r""" Evaluate the mat_time matrix based on the Siegert states. This matrix can then be used to compute the time propagation of an initial wavepacket ``test``. It takes the Faddeva function into account to compute the exact Siegert time propagation. The usual exponential terms may be taken into account, if ``with_exp`` is set to ``True``. Parameters ---------- siegerts: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of Siegert states only. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. with_exp: bool Sets if the usual exponential term must be used. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Matrix mat_time based on the Siegert states of the basis set. """ # Add the expontial terms only if required and define the sign # in front of the Faddeeva function if with_exp: mat_time = _set_mat_time(siegerts, time_grid) sign = -1.0 else: mat_time = 0.0 sign = 1.0 # Make the matrix with the appropriate Feddeeva functions K, T = np.meshgrid(siegerts.wavenumbers, time_grid) mat_time += sign * wofz(-sign * np.exp(1.0j * np.pi / 4) * np.sqrt(T / 2.0) * K) / 2 return mat_time def _set_mat_space_S(siegerts, test, weights): r""" Evaluate the mat_space matrix based on the Siegert states. This matrix can then be used to compute the time propagation of an initial wavepacket ``test``. The dictionary of weights gives the type of Siegert expansion to be used. Parameters ---------- siegerts: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of Siegert states only. test: Function Test function. weights: dict Dictionary of the weights to use for the time-propagation. Keys correspond to a type of Siegert states ('ab' for anti-bounds, 'b' for bounds, 'r' for resonants and 'ar' for anti-resonants) and the corresponding value is the weight to use for all the states of the given type (optional). Returns ------- 2D numpy array Matrix mat_space based on the Siegert states of the basis set. Raises ------ BasisSetError If there are not enough Siegert states. """ # Check that the basis contain at least one Siegert state if siegerts.is_empty: raise BasisSetError("The basis set must contain at least one Siegert state.") # Build the matrix mat_space_S by looping over the desired # types of Siegert states, using the desired weight. mat_space_S = [] for states in ( siegerts.bounds, siegerts.antibounds, siegerts.resonants, siegerts.antiresonants, ): if states.is_not_empty: S_type = states[0].Siegert_type contribs = _set_mat_space(states, test, weights[S_type]) for contrib in contribs: mat_space_S.append(contrib) return np.array(mat_space_S) def _set_mat_space_c(continuum, test): r""" Evaluate the mat_space matrix based on the continuum states. This matrix can then be used to compute the time propagation of an initial wavepacket ``test``. The integration over the continuum states is performed thanks to a vector accounting for the composite Simpson's rule (which is the integration scheme used here). Parameters ---------- continuum: AnalyticBasisSet Basis set made of continuum states only. test: Function Test function. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Matrix mat_time based on the continuum states of the basis set. Raises ------ BasisSetError If there are not enough continuum states. """ # Check that the basis contain at least two continuum states # (to define the wavenumber grid step) if len(continuum) <= 1: raise BasisSetError("Too few continuum states in the basis set.") # Prepare the integration over the continuum states with # the composite Simpson's rule (CSR): alpha = np.array( [4.0 if (ik % 2 == 1) else 2.0 for ik in range(1, len(continuum) - 1)] ) alpha = np.insert(alpha, 0, 1) alpha = np.append(alpha, 1) hk = continuum[1].wavenumber - continuum[0].wavenumber alpha *= hk / 3.0 # Initialize mat_space mat_space_c = _set_mat_space(continuum, test) # Mutliply by the integration vector before before returning return (alpha * mat_space_c.T).T def _generate_time_plots( xgrid, time_grid, exact_tp, exact_S_tp, MLE_tp, Ber_tp, xlim, ylim, title, file_save ): # pragma: no cover # noqa r""" Parameters ---------- xgrid: numpy array Space grid used to discretize the time-propagated wavepacket. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. exact_tp: numpy array Exact time-propagation (using bound and continuum states). exact_S_tp: bool Exact Siegert states expansion of the time-propagation (using all Siegert states). MLE_tp: bool Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the time-propagation (using all Siegert states). Berggren_tp: bool Berggren expansion of the time-propagation (using bound and resonant states). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Base name of the files where the plots are to be saved (optional). """ # Loop to create the plots for each time in time_grid for i, time in enumerate(time_grid): # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() if exact_tp is not None: ax.plot( xgrid, np.real(exact_tp[i]), color="k", lw=5, label="Re[$f_{exact}(t)$]" ) ax.plot( xgrid, np.imag(exact_tp[i]), color="grey", lw=5, label="Im[$f_{exact}(t)$]", ) if exact_S_tp is not None: ax.plot( xgrid, np.real(exact_S_tp[i]), color="#276419", label="Re[$f_{S, exact}(t)$]", ) ax.plot( xgrid, np.imag(exact_S_tp[i]), color="#b8e186", label="Im[$f_{S, exact}(t)$]", ) if MLE_tp is not None: ax.plot( xgrid, np.real(MLE_tp[i]), color="#2166ac", label="Re[$f_{MLE}(t)$]" ) ax.plot( xgrid, np.imag(MLE_tp[i]), color="#d1e5f0", label="Im[$f_{MLE}(t)$]" ) if Ber_tp is not None: ax.plot( xgrid, np.real(Ber_tp[i]), color="#d73027", label="Re[$f_{Ber}(t)$]" ) ax.plot( xgrid, np.imag(Ber_tp[i]), color="#fc8d59", label="Im[$f_{Ber}(t)$]" ) # Set the title time_str = "t = {:.3f}".format(time) if title is not None: new_title = title + "; " + time_str else: new_title = time_str # Set the output file name if file_save is not None: file_save += "_t_{:.3f}".format(time) # Finalize the plot finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=new_title, file_save=file_save, xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$f(x, t)$", leg_loc=6, leg_bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), )