Source code for siegpy.basisset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
The BasisSet class and its methods are defined hereafter.
# TODO: It might be less confusing to store the eigenstates in an
#      actual set, while allowing to remove the append method.
# TODO: Add a create_exact_basis_set method (for AnalyticBasisSet)?

import warnings
import os
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
from matplotlib import cm
import numpy as np
from siegpy import Eigenstate
from siegpy.utils import init_plot, finalize_plot

__all__ = ["BasisSet", "BasisSetError"]

[docs]class BasisSet: r""" This class is arguably the most important one in the whole module since it defines all the main methods allowing to study the Siegert states of a given Hamiltonian (and compare their relevance with the traditional continuum states). """ SIEGERT_STATES_TYPES = ["b", "ab", "r", "ar"] STATES_TYPES = SIEGERT_STATES_TYPES + [None, "U"] def __init__(self, states=None, potential=None, coord_map=None, max_virial=0): r""" Parameters ---------- states: list of Eigenstate instances or Eigenstate or None Eigenstates of a Hamiltonian. If ``None``, it means that the BasisSet instance will be empty. potential: Potential or None Potential leading to the eigenstates. coord_map: CoordMap or None Coordinate mapping used to find the eigenstates. max_virial: float or None Maximal virial used to discriminate between Siegert states and other eigenstates. Raises ------ ValueError If the value of states is invalid. """ self._potential = potential self._coord_map = coord_map # If no states are passed, initialize an empty basis set if states is None: self._states = [] # Else, if a list of states is passed, use it elif isinstance(states, list) and all( [isinstance(state, Eigenstate) for state in states] ): self._states = states # Else, if an only state is passed, use it elif isinstance(states, Eigenstate): self._states = [states] # Otherwise, states has an incorrect value else: raise ValueError("The basis set cannot be initialized: wrong states.") if self.coord_map is not None: self.max_virial = max_virial @property def potential(self): r""" Returns ------- Potential Potential used to find the eigenstates. """ return self._potential @property def coord_map(self): r""" Returns ------- CoordMap Coordinate mapping used to find the eigenstates. """ return self._coord_map @property def max_virial(self): r""" If updated, :attr:`max_virial` updates the :attr:`Siegert_type` attribute of the Siegert states in the basis set. Returns ------- float Maximal virial for a state to be considered as a Siegert state. """ return self._max_virial @max_virial.setter def max_virial(self, new_value): r""" The setter updates of the value of the :attr:`Siegert_type` attribute of the states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- new_value: float New maximal virial value. """ self._max_virial = abs(new_value) # Update the Siegert type of all the eigenstates for state in self.states: # If there is no coordinate mapping, then there are only # bound and continuum states if self.coord_map.theta == 0: if < 0: new_type = "b" else: new_type = None # If there is a coordinate mapping, then there are bound, # resonant and unknown states else: if abs(state.virial) <= self.max_virial: en = if en.real < 0: new_type = "b" elif en.real > 0: new_type = "r" else: new_type = "U" # Update the type of the considered eigenstate state._Siegert_type = new_type @property def states(self): r""" Returns ------- list States of a BasisSet instance. Example >>> BasisSet().states [] """ return self._states
[docs] def write(self, filename): r""" Write the basis set in a binary file (using pickle). Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be written. Example >>> BasisSet().write("tmp.dat") """ # Remove a previously existing file if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # Write the states in the basis set in different binary files # using pickle with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): r""" Initialize a basis set from a binary file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of a file containing a basis set. Raises ------ NameError If a the file does not exist. """ # Check the file exists if not os.path.exists(filename): raise NameError("The required file {} does not exist.".format(filename)) # Read the whole file and return it with open(filename, "rb") as f: basis = pickle.load(f) return basis
def __getitem__(self, index): r""" Parameters ---------- index: int Index of an eigenstate. Returns ------- Eigenstate The eigenstate of given ``index``. """ return self.states[index]
[docs] def __add__(self, states): r""" Add a list of states or the states of another BasisSet instance to a BasisSet instance. Parameters ---------- states: list of Eigenstate instances or BasisSet Eigenstates of a Hamiltonian or another basis set. Returns ------- BasisSet A new basis set. Raises ------ TypeError If ``states`` is not a basis set or a list of eigenstates. """ # If states is a basis set, then convert it to a list of states if isinstance(states, BasisSet): states = states.states # If states actually is a single state, make it iterable. elif not isinstance(states, list): states = [states] # Make sure that each state is a Function if not all([isinstance(s, Eigenstate) for s in states]): raise TypeError("Only wavefunctions can be added to a basis set") # Return a new basis set return self.__class__(states=self.states + states)
def __repr__(self): r""" Returns ------- str Representation of the list of states. """ return repr(self.states)
[docs] def __len__(self): r""" Returns ------- int Length of the list of states """ return len(self.states)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): r""" Returns ------- bool ``True`` if both basis sets contain the same states. """ return ( isinstance(other, BasisSet) and len(self) == len(other) and all([state in self for state in other]) )
@property def is_empty(self): r""" Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the basis set is empty. """ return len(self) == 0 @property def is_not_empty(self): r""" Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the basis set is not empty. """ return not self.is_empty @property def bounds(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the bound states of the current basis set. """ return self.__class__( states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type == "b"] ) @property def antibounds(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the anti-bound states of the current basis set. """ return self.__class__( states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type == "ab"] ) @property def resonants(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the resonant states of the current basis set. """ return self.__class__( states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type == "r"] ) @property def antiresonants(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the anti-resonant states of the current basis set. """ return self.__class__( states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type == "ar"] ) @property def siegerts(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the Siegert states of the current basis set. """ return self.bounds + self.antibounds + self.resonants + self.antiresonants @property def continuum(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the continuum states of the current basis set. """ return self.__class__( states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type is None] ) @property def unknown(self): r""" Returns ------- BasisSet Basis set made of all the states of unknown type of the current basis set. """ return BasisSet(states=[state for state in self if state.Siegert_type == "U"])
[docs] def plot_wavefunctions( self, nres=None, nstates=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the bound, resonant and anti-resonant wavefunctions of the basis set along with the potential. The continuum states, if any in the basis set, are not plotted. The wavefunctions are translated along the y-axis by their energy (for bound states) or absolute value of their energy (for resonant and anti-resonant states). Parameters ---------- nres: int Number of resonant wavefunctions to plot (optional). nstates: int Number of wavefunctions to plot (optional). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object oriented plot fig, ax = init_plot() # Plot only part of the states, if asked by the user if nres is not None: states = self.bounds + self.resonants[:nres] elif nstates is not None: states = self.states[:nstates] else: msg = "There may be too many wavefunctions to plot for readability" states = self.states warnings.warn(msg) # Loop over the Siegert states for i, wf in enumerate(states): # Define the value of its energy given its type energy = np.real( # Define the labels label_re, label_im, label_en = None, None, None if i == 0: label_re, label_im, label_en = "Re[WF]", "Im[WF]", "Energy" # Add the wf (real and imaginary parts) in the plot ax.plot(wf.grid, np.real(wf.values) + energy, "b", label=label_re) ax.plot(wf.grid, np.imag(wf.values) + energy, "r", label=label_im) # Also plot the value of its ("translation") energy. ax.plot(wf.grid, np.array([energy] * len(wf.grid)), "k--", label=label_en) # Plot the potential as well pot = self.potential if pot is not None: ax.plot(pot.grid, np.real(pot.values), "k-", label="Re[Potential]") ax.plot( pot.grid, np.imag(pot.values), c="k", ls="dotted", ms=1, label="Im[Potential]", ) finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title, file_save=file_save, leg_loc=6, leg_bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), xlabel="$x$", ylabel="Energy", )
@property def energies(self): r""" Returns ------- list The energies of the states in the current basis set. """ return [ for state in self] @property def wavenumbers(self): r""" Returns ------- list The wavenumbers of the states in the curent basis set. """ return [state.wavenumber for state in self] @property def virials(self): r""" Returns ------- list Virial values of the states in the current basis set. """ return [state.virial for state in self] @property def no_coord_map(self): r""" Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the coordinate mapping is such that :math:`x \mapsto x`. """ if self.coord_map is not None: return self.coord_map.theta == 0 else: return False
[docs] def plot_wavenumbers( self, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None, show_unknown=True ): # pragma: no cover # noqa r""" Plot the wavenumbers of the Siegert states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). show_unknown: bool If ``True``, plot the data of the states with an unknown type. """ _complex_plane_plot( self, "wavenumber", xlim, ylim, title, file_save, show_unknown )
[docs] def plot_energies( self, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, file_save=None, show_unknown=True ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the energies of the Siegert states in the basis set. Parameters ---------- xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). show_unknown: bool If ``True``, plot the data of the states with an unknown type. """ _complex_plane_plot(self, "energy", xlim, ylim, title, file_save, show_unknown)
[docs] def scal_prod(self, test): r""" Method computing the scalar product :math:`\left\langle \varphi | test \right\rangle` for each state :math:`\varphi` in the basis set. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. Returns ------- numpy array Scalar product of all the states in the basis set with the test function. """ return np.array([state.scal_prod(test) for state in self])
[docs] def completeness_convergence(self, test, klim=None): r""" Evaluate the convergence of the completeness relation for the current basis set using a given test function. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. klim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Wavenumber range where the completeness convergence must be computed (optional). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) A tuple made of the array of the states wavenumbers and the array of the convergence of the completeness relation using all the states (both have the same length). Raises ------ ValueError If the wavenumber ``klim`` range covers negative values. """ init = self.bounds + self.unknown if self.no_coord_map: # Usual scalar product sp_init = init.scal_prod(test) init_val = np.sum(np.abs(sp_init) ** 2) / test.norm() basis = self.continuum basis.states.sort(key=lambda x: scal_prods = basis.scal_prod(test) CR_conv = np.cumsum(np.abs(scal_prods) ** 2) / test.norm() else: # c-product because some states have complex energies sp_init_1 = np.conjugate(init.scal_prod(test.conjugate())) sp_init_2 = np.conjugate(init.scal_prod(test)) init_val = np.sum(sp_init_1 * sp_init_2) / test.norm() basis = self.resonants basis.states.sort(key=lambda x: scal_prods_1 = np.conjugate(basis.scal_prod(test.conjugate())) scal_prods_2 = np.conjugate(basis.scal_prod(test)) CR_conv = np.cumsum(scal_prods_1 * scal_prods_2) / test.norm() CR_conv = np.insert(CR_conv, 0, 0) + init_val # Keep only the results in the desired wavenumber range real_en = np.insert(np.real(basis.energies), 0, 0) if klim is not None: # The range is defined by xlim if klim[0] < 0 or klim[1] < 0: raise ValueError("The limits should be positive.") where = np.logical_and( real_en >= klim[0] ** 2 / 2, real_en <= klim[1] ** 2 / 2 ) CR_conv = CR_conv[where] else: # The x-axis range starts from the 0 energy/wavenumber where = np.where(real_en >= 0) CR_conv = CR_conv[where] kgrid = np.insert(basis.wavenumbers, 0, 0) kgrid = np.abs(kgrid[where]) return kgrid, CR_conv
[docs] def Berggren_completeness_convergence(self, test, klim=None): r""" Method evaluating the convergence of the CR using the Berggren expansion. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Wavenumber range where the completeness convergence must be computed (optional). Returns ------- tuple(numpy array, numpy array) A tuple made of the array of the states wavenumbers and the array of the convergence of the Berggren completeness relation (both have the same length). """ basis = self.bounds + self.resonants kgrid, CR_conv = basis.completeness_convergence(test, klim=klim) return kgrid, CR_conv
[docs] def plot_completeness_convergence( self, test, klim=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the convergence of the completeness relation using all or the fiest ``nstates`` in the basis set. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. klim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Wavenumber range where the completeness convergence must be computed and range of the x axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Plot the expected value of 1 ax.axhline(1, color="black", lw=1.5) kgrid, CR_conv = self.completeness_convergence(test, klim=klim) ax.plot(kgrid, np.real(CR_conv), color="#d73027", ls="", marker=".", ms=10) # Finalize the plot if klim is None: klim = (0, kgrid[-1]) finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=klim, title=title, file_save=file_save, xlabel="$k$", ylabel="CR", )
[docs] def MLE_strength_function(self, test, kgrid): r""" .. warning:: Only the peaks due to the resonant couples can be produced at the moment. Numerical anti-bound states are required for the true MLE of the strength function to be computed from a numerical basis set. Evaluate the Mittag-Leffler expansion strength function of the basis set for a given test function, discretized on a grid of wavenumbers kgrid. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. Returns ------- numpy array MLE of the strength function evaluated on the kgrid. """ # Initialize strength_func strength_func = 1.0j * np.zeros_like(kgrid) # Loop over the siegert states to update the MLE of the RF for state in self.resonants: # Values for the resonant state contribution k_r = state.wavenumber sp_r = state.scal_prod(test) # Values for the corresponding anti-resonant state contribution ares = Eigenstate( state.grid, np.conjugate(state.values), np.conjugate(, Siegert_type="ar", ) ares._wavenumber = -np.conjugate(k_r) k_ar = ares.wavenumber sp_ar = ares.scal_prod(test) # Add the contributions of the resonant couple for k, sp in [(k_r, sp_r), (k_ar, sp_ar)]: strength_func += -1.0 / np.pi * sp ** 2 / (k * (kgrid - k)) return np.imag(strength_func)
[docs] def plot_strength_function( self, test, kgrid, nres=None, title=None, file_save=None ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot the Mittag-Leffler Expansion of the strength function for a given test function. The MLE of the strength function evaluated using 1, ..., ``nres`` resonant couples can also be plotted. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. kgrid: numpy array Wavenumbers for which the strength function is evaluated. nres: int Number of resonant couples contributions to be plotted (default to None, meaning that none are plotted; if ``nres=0``, then only the sum of the bound and anti-bound states contributions is plotted). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Evaluate and plot the MLE of the RF MLE_rf = self.MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) ax.plot(kgrid, MLE_rf, color="#000000", ls="--", label="MLE") # Plot the contribution of the nres first resonance couples # to the strength function if nres is not None: res = self.resonants res.states.sort(key=lambda x: res = res[:nres] for i, state in enumerate(res): rf = BasisSet(state).MLE_strength_function(test, kgrid) label = "$N_{res} = $" + "{}".format(i + 1) ax.plot(kgrid, rf, lw=1.5, label=label) # Finalize the plot if nres is not None: leg_loc = 6 leg_bbox_to_anchor = (1, 0.5) else: leg_loc = None leg_bbox_to_anchor = None finalize_plot( fig, ax, title=title, file_save=file_save, leg_loc=leg_loc, leg_bbox_to_anchor=leg_bbox_to_anchor, xlabel="$k$", ylabel="$S(k)$", )
[docs] def Berggren_propagation(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the Berggren Expansion of the time-propagation of a test wavepacket over a given time grid. Only bound and resonant states are used, with a weight 1. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Berggren expansion of the propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. """ # Given that the bound and resonant states are the only Siegert # states that can be found numerically, it is sufficient to use # all the Siegert states to compute the time propagation return self.siegerts._propagate(test, time_grid)
[docs] def _propagate(self, test, time_grid): r""" Evaluate the contribution of all the states to the time propagation of the initial wavepacket ``test`` for all the times in ``time_grid``. .. note:: The same default weight is used for all the states. Parameters ---------- test: Function Test function. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Propagated wavepacket for the different times of ``time_grid``. """ mat_time = _set_mat_time(self, time_grid) mat_space = _set_mat_space(self, test) return
def _complex_plane_plot( basis, attr, xlim, ylim, title, file_save, show_unknown ): # pragma: no cover r""" Plot either the wavenumber or the energy of each bound, resonant continuum and unknown states in the basis set (the latter if ``show_unknown`` is set to ``True``). Parameters ---------- basis: BasisSet Basis set made of the states to be plotted. attr: str Name of the eigenstate attribute to look for, defining the type of plot to be done. xlim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the x axis of the plot (optional). ylim: tuple(float or int, float or int) Range of the y axis of the plot (optional). title: str Plot title (optional). file_save: str Filename of the plot to be saved (optional). show_unknown: bool If ``True``, plot the data of the states with an unknown type. """ # Object-oriented plots fig, ax = init_plot() # Add the real and imaginary axes ax.axhline(0, color="black", lw=1) # black line y=0 ax.axvline(0, color="black", lw=1) # black line x=0 # Select which states have to be plotted to_plot = basis.bounds + basis.resonants + basis.continuum if show_unknown is True or len(basis.unknown) == len(basis): to_plot += basis.unknown # Store the data to plot (energy or wavenumber) and their virial plot_data = [getattr(state, attr) for state in to_plot][::-1] virials = np.log10(to_plot.virials[::-1]) # Set the min and max values of the virial colors vmin = np.min(np.log10(basis.virials)) vmax = np.max(np.log10(basis.virials)) # Normalize the colors used accordingly norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Set the colorbar and its title colorbar = cm.ScalarMappable(, norm=norm) # pylint: disable=E1101 colorbar.set_array([]) plt.colorbar(colorbar, label="$log_{10}$(|virial|)") # Plot all the data if plot_data != []: color = # pylint: disable=E1101 ax.scatter(np.real(plot_data), np.imag(plot_data), c=color, cmap="CMRmap") # Set the base name of the x and y axis of the plot if attr == "wavenumber": data_label = "k" elif attr == "energy": data_label = "E" xlabel = "Re[${}$]".format(data_label) ylabel = "Im[${}$]".format(data_label) # Finalize the plot finalize_plot( fig, ax, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, title=title, file_save=file_save, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, ) def _set_mat_time(basis, time_grid): r""" Evaluate a matrix mat_time of size :math:`n_t * n_k` where :math:`n_k` is the number of states in the basis set ``basis`` and :math:`n_t` is the length of the array ``time_grid``. Each element of the matrix is defined by: .. math:: \text{mat_time}[i_t][i_k] = e^{-i \text{energy}[i_k] \text{time_grid}[i_t]} where :math:`i_k` is a counter for the states of the basis set and :math:`i_t` is a counter for the points of the time grid. This matrix can be used to compute the time-propagation of an initial wavepacket. Parameters ---------- basis: BasisSet Basis set. time_grid: numpy array or list of positive numbers Times for which the propagation is evaluated. It must contain positive numbers only. Returns ------- 2D numpy array Matrix mat_time based on the states of the basis set. """ # Build the matrix mat_time E, T = np.meshgrid(basis.energies, time_grid) mat_time = np.exp(-1.0j * E * T) return mat_time # return np.array(mat_time) def _set_mat_space(basis, test, weight=1.0): r""" Evaluate a matrix mat_space of size :math:`n_k * n_x` where :math:`n_k` is the number of states in the basis set ``basis`` and :math:`n_x` is the length of the space grid on which the states of the basis set are discretized. Each element of the matrix is defined by: .. math:: \text{mat_space}[i_k][i_x] = w \left\langle phi_{i_k} | \text{test} \right\rangle phi_{i_k}[i_x] where :math:`w` is the weight, :math:`i_k` is a counter for the states of the basis set and :math:`i_x` is a counter for the space grid-points. This matrix can then be used to compute the time-propagation of an initial wavepacket. Parameters ---------- basis: BasisSet Basis set. test: Function Test function. weigth: float or int or complex Mutliplying factor used for all the states (default to 1.0). Returns ------- 2D numpy array Matrix mat_space based on the states of the basis set. Raises ------ BasisSetError If the basis set is empty. """ # Check that the basis set is not empty if basis.is_empty: raise BasisSetError("The basis set must not be empty") # Build the matrix mat_space if weight == 0: # If the weigth is zero, the result is obviously a matrix # made of zeros shape = (len(basis), len(basis[0].values)) return np.zeros(shape) else: mat_space = [weight * state.scal_prod(test) * state.values for state in basis] return np.array(mat_space) class BasisSetError(Exception): r""" Error thrown in the case of an ill-defined BasisSet instance. """ pass